how does quora make money in 2022- BeCreatives

How to earn money from Quora? how does quora make money? quora se paise kaise kamaye? Do you know about Quora platform? If yes, then i think you do not know that how to earn money from Quora? 

If I say to you, you may earn money only doing question and answers so this is not a big task, so I am here with that website by which you may earn by question and answer. Quora is that platform.

Some of you know very well about this website. You were using it for question and answer. But many of us don’t know you may also earn from quora. 

Today we will tell you all things about Quora and also tell you how to earn from quora?

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What is Quora? How to earn money from Quora?

Quora is one of the best platforms where we ask a question and also give an answer of questions. Many people of this word attached with this. 

Everyone asked questions and give answer on their own interest. Everyone express their knowledge on question which they feel to answer.

Here you may ask any question from any subject and topic. Many people will see your question and they will answer for your question.

Quora is unique if you request to any particular person for the answer. Then that guy will get a notification and you may know who answer by notification.

What is Quora partner programme?

Quora started quora partner programme recently. If you are regularly asking question and give an answer and your post reaches to many people and they like it. 

It means you are a valuable person on quora according to Quora, So Quora will run ads on your post and some money of that ads will give you and you may withdraw from PayPal account.

One thing, Quora partner programme will invite you only when your question and answer gets 100K views. And users have a good engagement with your question and answer.

When your question and answer gets more and more views and up votes. Then Quora teams think that everyone like your question and answer. 

It means you are a good writer and then you get Quora partner programme.

Blogging for beginners

Earn money from Quora:

Here, we are going explain about so many ways to earn money from instead Quora partner programme.

  • Get traffic on your website
Approx 10M people using per day for question and answer on Quora. 

If you want traffic on your site by which earn more money from Google Adsence so it is best way. If you will share your website link so you may get approx 100k visitor monthly.

Here, when you answer on Quora so you may add your website link between answer so if someone is reading your answer and may be, he will click on your link by which you will get traffic on your site.

  • Selling e-books
 There are so many people using Quora that I already told you, who willingly to know about new think and knowledge, so you may earn money to sell books on Quora.

If  you are good in writing, then make online ebook and you are writing answer about that question which is asked on Quora then you may sell your answer in a pdf form like as a eBook . you may sell it on a good avg. Cost.

Instead of, you may popular on any other social platform when you share it. And you may get a lot of money from there.

  • Affiliate marketing
 When you open this website then you will see that there are so many share of products reviews in hindi, English and other language. 

There will be a product link below the review. So you may also share your product link there. By which you will get also money when your product will sell.

  • Advertisement
                                                                                                       If you want to advertise you company so Quora gives you a opportunity. 

When you ask question and answer related to your company then it ranks in Google because when someone asked any question on Google then he get the answer from Quora first so in this way you may earn from advertisement.

  • Blog branding
 You may reach with your blog to more people by this website. You may increase your brand popularity. 

When you paste a link so someone click on that then he got the information about your brand.

What is Quora space? How to earn with this?

 Quora space earning programme is a golden opportunity only for whom who are quora space Admins. 

By which they can be a part of quora revenue. As well as you know that you may generate revenue with Quora advertisement.

Where, Quora paid only to Quora partner programme member. The main work of the member was only asking question and answer. For this they were paid.

Are you eligible for Quora space? How to check?

 First you have to go on main page of space on Quora . There will earning tab in main tab in the between stats and setting.

  If you are able to see earning tab it means you are eligible to earn money on Quora space. Now you have to checkout only that space admin eligible is in the country or not.

Let’s talk how to check?

  • In the first, you should reach a minimum threshold of $10 by which you eligible to get payment in this programme.

  • Second step is, you need wait for eligibility review, Quora takes 3 business day for review.

  • You should attach your Quora account with bank account.

How to be a member of Quora space?

 Quora invites you itself to add you with beta programme of space Admins. There are no specified way for it to ask to quora for space programme.

 If you are strongly want to do that so may contact on this email id . Quora space  Admins have all right reserve to remove you with this programme. 

Quora shared a resource centre to ask any query about space programme.

Read also: Ott full form

conclusion : 

I expect that this article earn from Quora will be really helpful for you. Always i tried to present a best article for readers. 

If you have any confusion about it so you may comment below. i will work on your issues.

If you like this article so please share on social network like as facebook , twitter whatsapp and other social media sites. Thank you

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2 टिप्पणियाँ

  1. Becreatives12 मई 2021 को 9:02 am बजे

    Thanku sahni ji

    जवाब देंहटाएं
    1. News ~ Findd Hindi14 मई 2021 को 5:32 am बजे

      Always Welcome Sir ☺️


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