Tiger 3 (2023) Movie Release Date,The third installment of the acclaimed "Tiger" franchise, "Tiger 3" will be releasing in 2023, which is much awaited by the Bollywood community. The series forever changed audiences, leaving a legacy in film. "Tiger 3" is a thrilling Hindi-language espionage action thriller directed by the talented Maneesh Sharma and produced by Aditya Chopra under the Yash Raj Films label. It tells the ongoing story of Tiger, real name Avinash Singh Rathod, and his girlfriend Zoya. The film starring Emraan Hashmi, Katrina Kaif and Salman Khan is unquestionably one of the most eagerly awaited films of 2023. Join us as we dive into the ins and outs of this film, from its intriguing plot to its impressive cast and much-awaited. Release date.
Why 'Tiger 3' Could Be This Year's Most Talked-About Film
The plot of "Tiger 3" still remains a mystery, with fans buzzing with curiosity. What is known is fascinating. It is believed that the story starts from where "Tiger Zinda Hai" (2017) ended. Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif's characters Tiger and Zoya are now raising their child in Russia. Tiger has been falsely accused of a crime, causing this peace to be disturbed. As a result of this unfair accusation, he is forced to begin a desperate attempt to prove his innocence. Along with Zoya and her committed crew, Tiger sets out on a dangerous journey to uncover the truth and foil a cunning plan that puts his values at risk.
Tiger 3 Movie Overview
Feature | Details |
Title | Tiger 3 |
Release Date | 10 November 2023 |
Language | Hindi |
Genre | Action, Adventure, Thriller |
Director | Maneesh Sharma |
Producers | Aditya Chopra |
Writer | Aditya Chopra, Shridhar Raghavan |
Cinematography | Anay Goswamy |
Editing | Rameshwar S. Bhagat |
Cast | Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Emraan Hashmi |
Production Company | Yash Raj Films |
Distributed by | Yash Raj Films |
Budget | About ₹300 crore |
Country | India |
The cast of Tiger 3 Movie
Cast | Roleplay |
Salman Khan | Avinash “Tiger” Singh Rathore |
Katrina Kaif | Zoya, Tiger’s wife |
Emraan Hashmi | – |
Ashutosh Rana | Colonel Sunil Luthra |
Kumud Mishra | Rakesh Prasad Chaurasia |
Ranvir Shorey | Gopi Arya, Tiger’s former handler |
Anant Vidhaat Sharma | Karan Rao |
Gavie Chahal | Captain Abrar |
Shah Rukh Khan | Pathaan (special appearance) |
Release date of 'Tiger 3'
Circle November 10, 2023 on your calendar! That's when "Tiger 3" is all set to make its grand entry in theatres. The aim of releasing the film during Diwali is to enhance the cinematic magic. As the perfect finale to the Diwali festivities, "Tiger 3" is set to rock the box office and delight fans across the globe.
Production information
Shooting for "Tiger 3" began in March 2021 and was completed in May 2023. The film was shot in several picturesque cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Vienna, Istanbul and Abu Dhabi. The decision to use such a wide range of locations reflects the team's commitment to delivering an exciting and visually stunning cinematic journey.
Final thoughts
“Tiger 3” is more than just a movie; It is a cinematic extravaganza that packs a punch with emotions, suspense and thrilling action. With its stellar cast, powerful story and explosive release date, the film is expected to be Bollywood's biggest achievement in 2023.
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